UTILITALIA Study “Urban Waste, Actual new facilities requirements and towards 2035”

The Utilitalia study “Urban waste, actual new facilities requirements and towards 2035” was presented at Ecomondo 2022.

The main conclusions are summarised here:

  • In order to meet the European targets and avoid the export of waste between areas of the country, Italy’s requirement is 5.9 million tonnes: at least 30 plants are needed for the treatment of organic waste and the energy recovery of non-recyclable fractions.
  • Waste journeys entail economic and environmental costs, with 120,000 lorry journeys in a year and an extra 75 million euro on the TARI (local taxes). It is the citizens who pay, precisely where the service is worst.
  • The remaining life of landfills is limited to few years, after which there is a risk of emergency. The use of landfills is still excessive, especially in Southern Italy: the national average is 20%, while the EU has set a target of less than 10%.
  • By building the plants needed to meet the EU targets on circular economy, Italy could produce enough energy to reduce gas imports (an estimated 5% contribution compared to imports from Russia before the outbreak of the war).

Read more at the following link.