European Biogas Association “STATISTICAL REPORT 2022”

The European Biogas Association’s statistical report on biomethane production has been published.

In 2021, a production of 3.5 billion cubic metres was recorded, corresponding to an increase of 20% compared to the previous year. An even greater expansion is expected in 2022, thanks to the new plants (184) that started the production last year and will become operational by 2022.

The need for greater energy independence from the import of natural gas from non-EU countries is combined with falling biomethane production costs, which are already significantly below the average TTF gas price forecast for 2022 (80 €/MWh compared to 134 €/MWh).

The spread of biomethane can also increase the availability and accessibility of organic fertilisers for food production (natural gas is currently the main feedstock and energy source for the production of synthetic fertilisers). According to the report, Europe could already save 0.6 billion cubic metres of natural gas consumption by replacing 5-6% of nitrogenous synthetic fertilisers with digestate (with possible CO2 emission savings of 1,096 tons equivalent).

Read more at the following link.